Thursday, 1 October 2009

Welcome everyone

Welcome to you, whether you are a new visitor, a regular or someone who hasn't been for a while. The first thing you notice is that the variety has increased!! - blogs, articles and poems are all available. Click through and have a look - enjoy

If you buy anything through Amazon, then please use the ad on the right - you will go straight to the Amazon site but they will pay a small referral fee. Giving to autism made easy!!

Latest Stuff

BLOGS - latest updates
Doing the write thing
For your spiritual side - a weekly Psalm

POEMS - new stuff
I've got Swine Flu
Dawn breaks in London Town

ARTICLES - latest
Deathbook - is this facebook for the dead??
Apple and Blackberry merge?

Monday, 24 August 2009


Welcome to you, whether you are a new visitor, a regular or someone who hasn't been for a while. The first thing you notice is that the variety has increased!! - blogs, articles and poems are all available. Click through and have a look - enjoy!!

If you buy anything through Amazon, then please use the ad on the right - you will go straight to the Amazon site but they will pay a small referral fee. Giving to autism made easy!!

What's on offer?

BLOGS - click recent updates
Doing the write thing
Psalms each week

POEMS - click latest
ARTICLES - click latest

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Deathbook - social networking from beyond the grave

It had to happen. More and more people on social networking sites are dying. What happens to their photos, blogs and messages? Who tells people that they have died? Is Deathbook the answer? If you are active on Facebook, Twitter, Triond, Bukisa or even here on Blogger, then catch up with the latest on

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Psalms midweek update

The new series of midweek meditations for busy people entitled "quiet waters" is now into its eighth week. If you like what you see, please come back every Wednesday and share it with others. Anyone on Stumble or Reddit??... read more

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Festival Song

Leaving the Isle of Wight festival a couple of weeks ago left me with a mix of great elation and deep sadness - a wonderful time away but reflections on recent deaths in the family. This heady emotional brew gave birth to another poem - Festival Song - have a read...

Friday, 3 July 2009

Understanding Autism

Many new people are coming to this blog every week so it is time to direct you to my poem about Autism entitled Spaghetti Bolognese. It is written from the perspective of my son, who has Autism, when he was 12. If you enjoy it - stumble it/reddit/digg/delicious

Monday, 8 June 2009


I spent a very emotional day a few years back on the large expanse of sand that is Arromanches. It brought memories flooding back of D-Day stories, of Saving Private Ryan and of the Normandy Landings. Here is a 3 minute 14 second tribute to those who died... more

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Life Balance

It's very important to keep your life in balance - time for the physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of life. Too many people call this "work/life balance" which misses the point - is work really in competition with "life" - I don't think so!!... read more

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Your favourite poems

Don't forget that you can view the latest poems over at "doing the write thing". Pass any of your favourites onto friends or social networking sites and spread the word. The latest one is very topical (!!) it's called "Summer Nights"... read more

Midweek meditations in the Psalms

This is a new series of midweek meditations for busy people entitled "quiet waters". This name is taken from Psalm 23 and is intended to give busy people a five minute breather to read, reflect and restore. Why not try it? It is changed every Wednesday... read more

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Is it worth joining Bukisa?

Having spent three happy months with Triond where the earnings are low ($0.50 to $1.50 per 1000 clicks) but the community is fantastic (!!), I looked at Bukisa where the earnings are much higher ($3.42 per 1000 clicks) but the community is pretty much non-existent.

The idea is to recruit a team (Bukisa pays a commission - the "joiner" doesn't lose out), which I am doing, and work with them to jointly promote and champion work. The community can be compensated for by having a Facebook group, where updates are notified and there is chat as well as messaging.

So, if anybody wants to join my fledgling team, click here:

See you there and happy writing!!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Money for Autism

My poetry supports my work with young people on the Autistic Spectrum. The site has recently been upgraded to link to Amazon - you can give to support charity without having to donate!! Read some amazing poems or buy through Amazon and you will be contributing!! Credit crunching charity work... click to read more